The Ethiopian-American musician Makeda moved to LA back in 2018 to follow her dream of being a musician. What followed was years of self discovery, navigating a new city that didn’t feel like home, and freedom to pursue what she’d always wanted. This all lead to her going for a DIY approach, grabbing the nearest mic possible and self-teaching herself how to write, produce and record her own vocals. After a plethora of demo’s she finally felt it was time, like her idols Tracy Chapman and Sade, to step into the spotlight by dropping her debut single, and damn did she make an instant impact.
Co-written with Crystal Caines, Confusion is a lusciously laidback R&B single that puts full emphasis on her seraphic voice. She doesn’t require a huge production, catchy hook or big vocal moments to entice you, she’s able to do that with an elegant story about letting someone who you love so deeply go. Her graceful lyrical display wraps all these emotions up with a neat little bow, allowing you to gradually reveal her innermost thoughts to yourself and see her anguish of letting them leave but knowing it’s for the best. With a dreamy production reminiscent of the early 90’s, Makeda certainly knows how to make an entrance.