Matilda Cole has always deemed her music to be the soundtrack to teenage oblivion, that statement has yet to be proven wrong yet with her music continuously taking you on nostalgia filled joy rides through your adolescence whilst simultaneously being the soundtrack of the new era’s coming of age tale. The Clouds still remains one of the best debuts of 2020 with it narrating the stories of her friendships, love and losses but also striking a chord with a new generation who found solace in her music. Her wistful sound has a special aura surrounding it that makes her lyrics, that read like a diary entry, instantly connect with people.

Stay Awake is an emotional number that focuses on the very specific type of pain where someone you loved slowly pulls away from you, getting sadder and sadder until they’re no longer apart of your life but all you want to know is if they’re okay. Her poetic lyrics have you think back to the moment this happened to you, you relate to the pain and worry she’s feeling as her ethereal toned vocal brings the story to life and before too long you’ll feel the hot water running down your face without even realising it. Matilda Cole documents her own youth so you can relive your’s.