Despite being born and raised in New York, the 19 year old songwriter Matty Reynolds has just dropped a single that’s best described as someone taking classic British pub drinking songs and perceiving it through an indie songwriters lens. It’s a unique combination that, on paper, doesn’t seem like it would work but Reynolds has turned it into an instant bop that I can envision people belting it out of key whilst wrapping their arms around each others shoulders and swaying from side to side with a drink in hand. If that image alone doesn’t make you want to listen to this feel-good single, then maybe a deep dive into the self-reflective lyrics will. Yes, whilst the melodies of Bed Head Fever make you want to smile from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat and make serotonin rush through your body, the lyrics go into a more tormented realm. This swiftly forms a fascinating juxtaposition that makes it, as previously stated, the perfect drinking song that we can all get behind. So grab a cold one and belt this out around a campfire with a group of your closest friends and let the good times roll in.
If you dig this then I highly recommend going into his back catalogue to hear more of his guitar lead indie anthems. You get ones that can help your through your own heartbreak and others that were made for you to dance and sing along with. Whatever your choice, make sure to blast this one out over and over again.