Announcing yourself as a fresh artist can always be difficult and the debut track always plays heavily into that, well the South Central Los Angeles duo Paris Texas haven’t just announced themselves with their debut, they’ve made a statement that makes anyone who listens sit up to attention and become enamoured by their sound. Their brash, raw and sinister sonic identity is like taking the dynamic flow and impassioned lyrics of Brockhampton with heavy rock guitars of Metallica, two clashing opponents that end up falling into one another in a long embrace.
It might only be February but HEAVY METAL is in contention for being the best hip hop track to come out of 2021. It’s a menacing number with this gravitational pull that brings you into its orbit as the experimental soundscape lets the fervent lyrics stand out in all their glory. Then you’ve got the music video that is not for the feint hearted but raises the ferociously bombastic nature of the single to a whole new level and has me asking only one question. If this is what they’re capable of doing with their debut, what else do they have up their sleeve.