As I sit here and begin to lose myself in the music video for Las Vegas native Quinn Ayers latest single Open a sudden memory jolts in my brain. As he conveys his inner turmoil through his heart wrenching lyrics the video shows him going through a tunnel in the back of a pick up truck and I’m reminded of the tunnel scene from The Perks of Being A Wallflower. That scene was the emotional centre point of the whole film as it symbolised the growth one character can experience, leaving the old him behind and embracing the new whilst feeling entirely infinite. I say all this because that’s how listening to this track feels.
You go through the pain that Ayers has experienced from a past romance where he hasn’t remained open enough for them, but by the time he leaves the tunnel he utters the memorable and earnest lyric, “I’m open, trust me.” That one lyric has such emotional resonance to it that it’s hard not to feel connected to Ayers in that moment, to the point where I myself sit there rooting for him to go all the way. Tenderly beautiful and one hell of a journey, dive into his full discography to experience his talent yourself.