I’ve been racking my head for weeks trying to figure out how to define RⱯHM ⚉’s multi-layered sound and then it finally struck me, he’s smorgasbord artist. Now what I mean by that is that he isn’t just one sound, he’s a fusion of all these delectable influences ranging from R&B, rock, rap, electronica, hip hop, the list goes on and puts these delicacies on one silver platter for us to enjoy. He’s an endless source of expressive, dynamic and riveting sounds that shift depending on the story he wants to convey to you and his latest single is no different.
The lyrics in you and everything of everything only scratches the surface of trying to understand everything that is apart of this ever expanding universe we’re apart of. With so much information at the end of our finger tips it becomes maddening to realise how everything is interconnected, how something like Coronation Street is related to Yellowstone National Park, two completely different things but share a common connection. This piece dives into that idea perfectly with so many things happening in the production creating this sensory overload that compliments the message further as we dive further and further into these thoughts that end up with us scratching our heads wondering what fascinating glory we just listened to.
“If you’re looking for a mind-altering experience but don’t have any substances handy I highly recommend just clicking the random wikipedia article link repeatedly,” He begins to explain. “It’s transcendent. To be inundated with an endless barrage of nothings and places and people and history and thoughts and they’re all real and they all have something to do with each other because you can link them with these links but they also have nothing to do with each other because who the hell is René Mourlon and what could he possible have to do with Season 6 Episode 5 of House or the 50 Most Significant Tributaries of the Santa Ana River? And that’s just one tiny example of the endless expanse of everything that’s happening all the time everywhere around me and I can’t make any sense of it and I just have to go around doing stuff and pretending I get it anyway and so do you. If it sounds like there’s a lot going on in the song that’s why.”