I’ve become accustomed to knowing that when I begin to listen to a ryster track that I’m probably going to be wrapped in my feels long after the track finishes playing. The artist creates music that soundtracks your late night crying sessions. Simply closing your curtains, turning the lights off and playing his music softly through the speakers of your laptop will offer you more cathartic goodness that a years worth of therapy could after a rough break up. His latest drop what u wanted is living proof of that statement because it will leave you reaching for tissues and reminiscing over lovers past after hearing one note of his dulcet vocal and poignant lyrics.
An atmospheric production of spaced out instrumentals forms the perfect backdrop for the coarse nature of ryster’s vocals, piercing through the soundscape like a dagger to allow the lyrics to truly hit you hard, “you only like to call me when it’s convenient.” There’s moments where it even feels as if ryster is crying through his singing, like the pain gets to him mid recording and he has to pull himself together as the pain of the past is brought back to the surface. If you’re going through a rough patch, let this single offer you some of cathartic release.