The creative force known as Teezo Touchdown is showing politicians, from Washington to Downing Street, how to run a strong political campaign as he runs to be Mayor of Midville. Unlike most elections where the result is up in the air until the last moment, Teezo is a clear frontrunner with his political war cry falling upon the ears of his cult like fanbase who’ve become enamoured by the musician marvels ever expanding creative universe. All filmed in front of the same back drop, he’s created a visual style that has enthralled his listeners and made his cinematic world something that could rival marvel, you just need to look at how many people are behind this campaign to get a glimpse of that.
He rallies his fans to go the polls and vote for his campaign through an emphatic lyrical display in Mid, he even gives a rousing speech that is charismatically presented whilst appealing his audience’s core values. The choral chants of, “Get the mid off the streets,” makes you feel as if you’re a part of something grander than yourself, seriously I want a Teezo Touchdown protest concert where he belts this number out with an army of supporters behind him every step of the way. This isn’t just a small step up for his creative abilities, this campaign is a giant leap that I am excited to see the result of. Join him on his campaign trail and watch the thrilling conclusion for yourself!