I’m a strong believer that all good things come with time. Maybe it’ll take a week? Maybe months? In this case, I waited for 1 year, 2 months, and 4 days to watch Xedrin release another song. The 18-year-old Montana-born rapper had only one song to his name prior to his latest release, yet he still managed to retain a dedicated listenership over a year later. You might ponder what Xedrin got up to during his hiatus… the answer? He flipped his entire life around, moved to Los Angeles on a whim, and found his voice. Now that I’ve caught you up to speed, I introduce his latest song Butterflies.
This feels like the first peek at a new side of the young talent. Here he takes a melodic approach from the get-go, something that surprised me when considering all I’ve seen from him previously is rap. As I continue to listen I notice his lyrical content also underwent a change. In this record, he seems to embrace his vulnerabilities and seamlessly transfer them to rhyme. His lyrics detail a two-year toxic relationship he went through, where he attempted to love someone who couldn’t love themself. It all feels like one big diary entry, one many people may have written before, one many people can relate to.