Ever since Olivia Rodrigo unleashed Good For You we’ve a dramatic shift in todays musical climate as pop has developed a rockier edge. The teens who grew up on the pop punk artists of yesteryear, from Avril Lavigne to My Chemical Romance, have risen up and decided it was time for that influence to be heard. Having dropped a string of emotionally intuitive singles that her evocative vocal simply soared over, Zoe Wees has gone down a similar route. Blending together the pop punk ideologies of the 2000’s with the emotional devastation we’ve come to expect from Adele, her soundscape is designed to make you cry and simultaneously raise you middle finger high into the sky.

Explosive guitar riffs filled with high octane energy, a thumping percussion that reverberates through your body and a foreboding edge that can’t be matched, Third Wheel will be sung into countless hairbrushes across the globe. It’s the perfect angst ridden break up track, filled with the heartbreak from a past relationship as well as the lessons learned from that time, Wees commands you attention with every second she belts this track out. She’s slowly becoming a puppet master, pulling the strings of our emotions to make us feel whatever she wants us to feel and if you’ve heard her previous singles, that should come as no surprise.