Growing up in a village on the outskirts of a big city, you’ll often find the amusing absurdities and abnormalities of living there to be something only you and your surrounding friends will understand. Every different small town has their own unique quirks that, even years down the line, will fill your warm nostalgia that is a truly indescribable feeling. The local shop where all the kids hang around eating whatever abundance of chocolate they could afford, the busted skate park people rarely actually skate on but instead just hang out and the weird charity shop that no one ever goes in but still somehow is still around after 30 years. All of that is special to us and NoSo manages to capture the small wonders of that time whilst not being afraid to realise where they belong. Yes things will change and it may be years before you return, but now it’s time to accept those moments are in the past, the good and the bad, and move onto new pastures that help us find something new to one day become nostalgic over.
Suburbia is pure magic. The wondrous guitar melodies form a wistful atmosphere that the spaced out drums add to, creating a strong foundation that her halcyon vocal can build upon to create a sonic skyscraper of breathtaking quality. Her personal lyrics about this time remark the old things about her suburb she used to hate but now finds herself missing immensely, “Rich kids and boutique drugs / And I miss you like it’s enough,” inviting us into this town to become residents. Her vivid portrait of town will see you cast your mind back to your own youth in a warmly toned flashback that’ll put a smile on your face, as well as a tear or two. It’s euphonic and magic in sonic form.