Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week brings some powerful transits starting with Pluto sliding into Aquarius over the past weekend on the 20th bringing with it a long fiery streak of chaotic change. Brace yourselves my love – this transit remains for the next 20 years.
Next up your girl Venus moves into Capricorn from January 23, 2024, to February 16, 2024. This is an amazing transit for getting to the bag and creating fruitful new partnerships. It’s a great time to do self-love and glamour rituals to make yourself more attractive romantically. Why? Because Capricorn energy – is a “get it done and done well!” Type of vibe.
The underdog is also exalted in this position.
Finally on the 25th we have a Full Moon in Leo which is great for being seen, and taking up space which is a bit abrasive to the collaborative energy of a Sun currently transiting Aquarius.
In general you must be careful of emotional outbursts and being overly reactionary to world events that truly don’t affect your daily life.
Alrighty, let’s see what the week has in store for you.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN: For those of you who have been privately going through battles that very few know about, your Spirit guides want you to know that relief is on the horizon this week. Yes, you will still have some lingering skirmishes but all will be sunny by Spring.
RED FLAGS: Stand in your truth especially with family and work bullies. This is not the time to back down to keep the peace when you know you’re in the right. Just be diplomatic but don’t cower.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of sprucing up your home – add bright neon or jewel tones and bring in some air cleaning plants like Snake plants.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
AQUARIUS: Pluto just moved into your sign on the 20th and with it brings a deep change in the status quo. Many of you will receive the first whiff of this change and may even feel something is afoot in your bones. Expect disruption in both your personal and professional life this week. Take note that this disruption while startling will end up being one of the best things to happen FOR you in the long run.
RED FLAGS: Someone at work is lying on you. Whomever just came to mind is most likely the culprit and/or knows what’s going down. Investigate strategically.
SWEET SPOT: Your ancestor altar feels “thirsty”. When is the last time you poured them an offering and sat and just chatted with them? Chop! Chop! They have powerful downloads for you.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES: Have you been thinking of moving abroad? Now is the time to do so! At least before summer. Taking action now will open up doors that are beyond your current state of imagination. Go for it and don’t listen to naysayers! This will also apply to those with Pisces in their Moon, Venus and Mars.
RED FLAGS: Don’t ignore lingering health issues or environmental issues in your home such as mold or leaks. It gets out of control and almost impossible to fix if you let it fester much longer.
SWEET SPOT: Movement is the theme for you this week and that includes your energy. Try doing meditative walks and music meditations to get your energy in a good place and deepen your connection with spirit.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES:In the coming weeks, many of you will be introduced to a metaphysical practitioner who will help you open your own special brand of magic. If this makes you happy, start writing down a list of skillsets you want to learn and pick up a Tarot or Oracle deck and learn to read for you.
RED FLAGS: If you’ve been feeling spacey or dizzy – first check with your medical provider and then start implementing some grounding techniques into your life. Focus primarily on earthing barefoot and listening to Root Charka meditations.
SWEET SPOT: Scents of vanilla, lilac and rose will help to ease any worries that you have this week. Spray them on as well as pop open an essential oils diffuser.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS: As Venus moves into Capricorn and Pluto gets settled into Aquarius many of you have unconsciously shifted into a new life/style even if you don’t know it yet. The old version of you has died – most likely around August 2023. Don’t get upset- it’s been time to let go of versions of yourself that left you depleted and frankly often overlooked or taken for granted. Boundaries are now your middle name.
RED FLAGS: You need to spiritual cleanse your home – asap. Start with Salt Sweeping your floors. Literally pour salt onto your floors and sweep it up and out of the front door.
SWEET SPOT: If you can afford to splurge on a small gift for yourself this week, then by all means do so. It will really help your mood improve exponentially.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:Under this Full Moon in Leo on the 25th all of you should be doing self-love and glamour rituals. Especially if you’re single and looking or simply want to reheat up the sexy time vibes in a current partnership. A simple one to do is to take a bath filled with bath salts and rose petals while saying sweet things to your naked body. You can light an Aphrodite or Oshun candle as well during the bath and certainly on the 25th to help amplify these rituals.
RED FLAGS: I’m seeing some faulty electrical wiring either in your home or your car – have everything checked out.
SWEET SPOT: Make yourself a lucky talisman this week – it can be a crystal that you wear or a small vision board that you craft and then carry it with you.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER: A karmic person enters your life this week to help you with rapid transformation in key areas of your life. To be completely transparent, this situation will be extremely destructive, but you do have control over the matter and part of the lesson is to teach you how to speak up for yourself and take self-serving action that is for your highest good. Chin up!
RED FLAGS: If Cancers don’t get enough quality time with water – they suffer — emotionally. So at the very least spend time in spiritual baths this week.
SWEET SPOT: Make a playlist of both soothing sounds and those that get you motivated to do all of the things that you need you get done.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:What from your past made you happy, and was it actually something that was healthy for your mind, body and soul? Many of you are now feeling the influence of the planetary energies in this 8 year and going through a renewal cycle. Spirit is asking you to remember what made you truly happy and make more time for that – even if you’re feeling that you’re too tired, old busy etc. Joy is your birthright! Claim it!
RED FLAGS: Is your current lover giving you toxic soulmate vibes? Babe it’s time to learn the lesson and move on. Chop! Chop!
SWEET SPOT: Join a hobbies club to find some likeminded folks to geek out with over the most obscure things! Trust me, you’ll be so glad you did.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: This Full Moon will reveal some eye-opening things about your deeply buried psyche and why you’ve made the romantic choices you have. Not gonna lie, this big reveal will shift you at a soul level, but it’s so needed at this time. Many of you have chosen partners that are there to help heal your childhood wounds, but their methods are rough. This will apply to those with Virgo in their Moon and Venus as well.
RED FLAGS: The truth can hurt, but lies hurt more. Your Spirit team wants you to get honest with yourself and others this week.
SWEET SPOT: Many of you love challenging yourself to new levels of fitness – this week seek out a club or class that raises the bar while getting you in shape and having fun.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Which areas of your life need rapid growth and transmutation? Transmutation is different from transformation. It points to situations that you can turn around to your highest benefit – however – this will require you to be self observant about the role you have played. Spirit suggests getting curious this week and watching how you move and then journaling about the whys of certain behavior patterns. Do this in joy and without judgement of your self.
RED FLAGS: Don’t take sides this week in arguments- cause trust they’ll have patched right back up while you’re still mad.
SWEET SPOT: Learning to breathe properly and seeking out fresh air experiences will be wonderful for your mental health this week.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: Your Spirit guardians want to help turbo boost your luck this week. Their message is to focus on things that move you forward financially and emotionally and let everything else fall to the wayside. This is also a message for those with Venus, Moon, Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio.
RED FLAGS: Don’t loan funds that you actually need. You will not be getting them back. Read that again.
SWEET SPOT: All Scorpios should be doing money altars and daily money affirmations this week – the wealth vibe is riding for you heavy this week.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: Wow! This week you can expect some shit to hit the fan! Starting with your shadow side! The Full Moon in Leo coupled with Pluto in Aquarius is going to have many of you publicly sharing some long held truths. Be mindful! Once it’s out there you can’t roll it back.
RED FLAGS: Do some protection rituals for your mental health and overall well being. This can be simply lighting a Chango candle and listening to emotional clearing meditations while indulging in nature walks. Balancing your emotions is super important this week.
SWEET SPOT: Trusting your intuition will prove to be extremely beneficial this week. Remember it speaks in body responses and symbols …so pay attention.