Source: Noam Galai / Getty
Many of us are trying to do our part to stop the rapid spread of coronavirus, but then there are some who just won’t stay home. Now, according to new reports, police across the country are issuing citations and arresting those who violate the stringent advice of public health officials at this time.
From TMZ:
“Snitching is in when it comes to social distancing anyway — people have been blowing the whistle on violators, and now police everywhere are cracking down. Cops across the country tell TMZ … they’ve been flooded with complaints about large gatherings where people are clearly defying coronavirus safety precautions.”
The site goes on to detail just how many complaints they’re getting. The NYPD has reportedly visited “tens of thousands of locations on their social distancing patrols & also have responded to thousands of 311 calls,” according to an NYPD spokesperson. TMZ continues:
“We’re also told from March 17 through April 8, they arrested 13 people and issued 61 tickets. Keep in mind, Gov. Cuomo‘s given the green light to $1,000 fines for violations, so … it’s no cheap ticket. We’re told the folks who were arrested showed reckless disregard for social distancing and refused to listen to police orders. Despite the crowds in Central Park last weekend … cops say the majority of NYers are following the rules, or quickly adhering when officers remind them to maintain the 6-foot spacing.”
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After the issues of large crowds during Spring Break, Miami seems to be doing much better, with no arrests made related to social distancing. Head over to the site to see how L.A., Chicago, and New Orleans are doing. #StayHome.