The South African songwriter and producer aboynamedblu has made a name for himself by blending a wide spectrum of genres together, with deep emotional substance at there core to masterfully craft a vivid soundscape that makes an instant impact on you. Whether it be the oscillating punk influenced pieces that push back against normal music ideologies whilst breaking every rule in the sonic rulebook, or the more tenderly penned pieces that are reminiscent of Coldplay’s early work (think Yellow), he leaves you reeling from the emotional devastation he’s laid out in front of you. His enticing vocal will lull you into his intimate world before his poetic lyrics offer a cathartic effect upon you and the gossamer melodies wrap themselves around you. He’s a special artist and his latest release emphasises that.
Super Grassy, defined by the artist as ‘days when the world suffocates you.’ From the offset aboynamedblu’s gossamer vocal glides over the somber piano melodies, putting full focus on the Pulitzer Prize worthy lyrics. Quietly growing like a budding flower in spring, the production builds with a celestial choir of harmonies backing his euphonic voice, ominous drums building the tension of going under and comes to a climax where guitars drag you under with the same asphyxiation that he’s going through. The pain is palpable as we enter the final few seconds where a mournful piano plays the opening riff once more. Utterly outstanding.