“Dialed Up” 4 is the third installment of Bahamadia’s innovative series in mobile production. The 12 minute project explores a broad range of textures and frequencies not typically found in today’s current sphere of hip-hop, all created on an iPhone 7 Plus. Bahamadia is currently running her label, B GIRL RECORDS LLC, writing, recording and producing art. Follow her through any of her socials for current news and updates. Dialed Up (Vol. 4) is available now through all major digital retailers and streaming platforms. And yes, she does plan on releasing Dialed 3 sometime in the near future (the series is intentionally out of order).
A Timeless Reinterpretation: Peg Luke’s “My Silent Night”
In a world saturated with holiday music that often leans into predictability and sentimentality, Peg Luke’ s “My Silent