Where as the majority of lyrics these days are clean as can be, the New Zealand based musician Ferby throughs caution to the wind as she deliver foul mouthed lyrics that will get your dirty looks if you dare sing them in the street… and I absolutely LOVE IT. Her sound is like taking the cartoonish nature of a South Park storyline, fusing it with a punk D.I.Y sensibilities and topping it all off with Miley Cyrus’s voice during her Bangerz era. She’s openly torn apart the rulebook on what her sound can be in the modern era and her debut is something that has ridiculously high replay value. One listen and you’ll be humming the melody and doing all you can to not sing the lyrics on a bus.

Bad Vibes Stuck In My Teeth doesn’t miss a beat. Her explicit voice thrives on the attention that her lyrics bring, drawing you into the brooding soundscape, comprised of booming homemade hip hop beats reminiscent of Princess Nokia, to the point where you cannot ignore the trap-soaked dynamo. After years of being trapped in lockdown, unable to get herself out there and allow people to hear her fervent voice, Ferby is a pressure cooker about to explode with her pent up energy soon forming an eruption that the whole world will take notice of.