One of Ghana’s hottest artists, Kofi Jamar, released the official video for ‘Meye Gee’ featuring Fameye, Quamina MP, and Tulenkey. The single is taken from the ‘Ekorso’ rapper’s brand new six-track project titled ‘Appetite for Destruction’; a mid-tempo Hip-Hop production with multilingual lyrics about representing the streets, status, wins and losses, and the people who want to take what he has away from him. Unlike previous music video releases that were gritty and seemingly impromptu, this one features vixens, donning fishnets/lace undergarments and ski masks.
A Timeless Reinterpretation: Peg Luke’s “My Silent Night”
In a world saturated with holiday music that often leans into predictability and sentimentality, Peg Luke’ s “My Silent