I’ve often found that whenever I listen to a jacob geoffrey single I feel like I’m apart of a movie where I’m the main character. It’s a cheesy statement but his music allows you to block off all your surroundings and live in a moment where nothing matters, making you become the centre of attention in an oversaturated world. No matter where you’re playing his music, be it on the bus, in the car, out skating or in your room you begin to live out a wondrous fantasy as euphoria sweeps through your body and transforms a cloudy day into one brimming with sunshine. That’s his music in a nutshell and his latest release is no different from that.
This single is a balancing act. Finding the perfect way to blend rustic guitar melodies with erupting industrial synths to create a euphonic synergy that brings out the best of his emotive vocal performance. Cherry is hands down my favourite track of his to date, going from these beautifully written verses that intimately take you by the hand to bring you into his tender headspace, all before a joyous dance break occurs that’s designed for letting out all your worries in one glorious cathartic release. He’s going from strength to strength, his sound is expanding, his talent is growing and I’m sure this won’t be the last time we see him on here.