Dropping one of the best hyper-pop debuts of the year to little to no fanfare, Jacob Sinclair is the very definition of a hidden gem who’s musical ability is absolutely mind-boggling. The young artist has exploded onto the scene recently with the release of FUM3S, a vibrant and sonically enticing debut that lets us all into his electronically enhanced fantasy world where the mundane simply doesn’t exist. Genuinely, he ignores usual sonic conventions to create a land where the extraordinary is all that remains and when you fuse that with his breathtaking sonic styling, you’ll see why I’m going gaga over him. His emotional candour is something to be admired as his warped vocal stylings offer a state of catharsis as the grandiose of the wistful hyper-pop production blazes on in heroic fashion. With one release he’s already crafting a place for himself in the hyper-pop landscape as he defies the already high expectations the world has for the genre and lays the foundations for his skyscraper high talent to shine like a diamond and radiate a profound energy that rivals the sun itself.

Jacob Sinclair, a blossoming artist who’s name you might not know right now but you certainly will in the future. With the hyper-pop genre continuing to gain momentum and breakthrough into the mainstream, I see no reason why Jacob Sinclair won’t be able to do the same.