Growing up is hard. Italicized type of hard. No one gives you any idea as to what you will feel and even if they do give you some insight growing up still feels singular to only you. When all these feelings and expectations of yourself start to bubble up I tend to take myself for a walk on the beach and put my headphones in. Kaleah Lee’s new single “Out of Body” is what I would press play to. This song is tender and moving, talking about self-reflection and how troubling it can be.
Her lyrics feel private, as if your tip toeing into a passage in her journal but the further you go in the song you realize it’s an invitation. She’s inviting you to not only have these feelings to but to feel them with her. This track is an acoustic ballad that softly serenades you with layers from the piano and her own melodies. Kaleah Lee writes, composes, and directs all her music videos so it’s only fitting how this song feels personalized for Lee herself. I will certainly be adding this song to my rainy day playlist and you should do. Keep a bookmark on Kaleah Lee – there is more to come.