We’re always encouraged to pursue our dreams, to leave behind our mundane day jobs and the monotony that comes with them to do something in life that makes us truly happy. We view this with rose tinted glasses and only think about what life will be like once the ascent to the Everest like peak has been completed, but the hardships that come with it are rarely in the same conversation so when we hit that hurdle first hurdle it can almost feel like the beginning of the end. Lying down on his floor in an empty apartment after a road trip from L.A to NJ, this train of thought flooded LOUD HOUND’s system and lead to him writing his solemn yet simultaneously carefree single Get U High.

He sings about the hopelessness he felt during this situation and how he wish he could’ve had someone by high side to encourage him to get through this low point. The laidback production has a tropical undertone to it with the balmy guitar riffs complimenting the clement drums and the subtle scintillating electronic flourishes that contrast the more downbeat storytelling. It’s an amalgamation of hope, distraught and the strength to carry on that we all need to make those dreams a reality. Add this to your summer playlist ASAP.