Delicate, soothing and vulnerable. Mulherin’s latest record ‘Better For You’ is certainly just that…I promise you. Upon first listen I was both hooked and transcended into a different place. One that was definitely more relaxing than London’s busy underground on my commute home. The track is minimal in its production but it’s each instrument and recording that carries such depth from the delicate twinkling drone in the introduction to the sweet and calming string arrangement added to the tracks outro. Based in Tennessee the duo, made up of twin brothers Marshall and Parker, have been releasing songs for the best part of 6 years. The duo grabbed the attention of the music world with their singles ‘Anniversary’ and ‘Never Know’, of which both independently have-a-massed over 1 million streams each. The duo’s soft production and intimate vocal delivery (usually made layered with several vocal takes) showcases their knack for crafting these precious songs that are filled with emotion right from the very beginning. Mulhrein are not short of influences either. A quick listen through their top tracks on Spotify leaves you questioning what they can’t do. Single ‘Friends’, taken off their 2018 album ‘Human Nature’ is the duo’s take on R&B whereas ‘Faraway’ finds them leaning closer to Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys.