Summer is just around the corner and Sandman has come out with a banger that’s best listened too whilst driving down the coast, windows down and basking in the glory of the blazing sun. Filled with a feed good production off buoyant beats, scintillating guitar melodies and a sun-kissed bassline, it’s hard not to let the good times roll in when a joyously glistening single like Please! plays. That is until you hear the slightly more somber lyrics. Yep, whilst the production will have you jamming out by the beach, the lyrics are more what you’d expect to hear in an early 2000’s break up single and I’m all here for it. Whatever your mood you can listen to this single. Want to live in your melancholia fantasy about a lover from your past? Or do you want to vibe and have a cracking time with a group of friends during the hottest day of the year? You can do both here and that means this will be on my heavy rotation all summer long.
This isn’t the first time Sandman has been featured on this site. He’s already impressed me countless times with his soundscape and I highly doubt it’ll be the last time I find myself blasting his music out either.