2020 was a gloomy year on all accounts with a lot of people falling into a hole of sadness that came about from being unable to do anything, see friends/family and be trapped within the purgatory that has become our own homes. To say it was a bleak year is an understatement. However as we step into 2021 we’re all looking to find a bit more happiness in the year, move the dark clouds away from our routine and focus on the joyous parts of life that make us smile from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat and that’s what Shawn Mathews is planning with his latest release.

“I feel like 2020 was a pretty long and depressing year for most people, myself included,” Shawn Mathews begins to explain. “But as the fall semester was ending and the new year was approaching I tried to make an effort to do whatever I could to make the most out of 2021. Even though it was little things like keeping a consistent schedule, or working out, or making sure I’m spending quality time with those I love; these little things all add up. As a result, through this first month of the new year, I feel way better than last year and feel hopeful that this year overall will be way better.”

Sunshine is a buoyant number with vibrant guitar melodies and an infectious groove filled bassline creating an uplifting atmosphere that radiates joy that shines through the darkness. Mathews’ blithe vocals add to this jubilant feeling further to the point where, even if you’re in one of the foulest of moods imaginable, it’s hard not to crack a smile. Look to a bright future with this piece as your guide.