SOFT LAD, otherwise known as Sophie Galpin, has spent fourteen years of her life within the music industry, playing with the likes of Tom Grennan, James Vincent McMorrow and Jessie Ware for the majority of her life. However, after spending the majority of her career behind the scenes working with a plethora of artists, this queer visionary is now stepping forward into the spotlight with the release of her debut track Singapore. Here she’s taken the pain of heartache as we turn back to look at our lover one last time before we step forward into our new life and transforms it into pop music you can sing into your hairbrush whilst envisioning a packed out stadium in front of you. Her sublime vocal captures the stages of grief we all go to, the fear, the sadness, the frustration, the denial before finally landing on the sweet relief of knowing that greener pastures are just around the corner. I’d say this on par with a lot of Taylor Swift’s break up anthems, she just so eloquently describes heartbreak through the shimmering sonic landscape that the pain transcends onto you and, before too long, you’ll be screaming your ex’s name at the top of your lungs as the track comes to a close.
This is just a brief taste of what SOFT LAD has in store for us, so be prepared to hop onto the hype train now, fall to your knees in the pouring rain and belt her heartbreak anthem out for all to hear. If you’re bidding adieu to a relationship, throw this on and let the healing process begin.