Usually when you pop on Taj Dharmadji’s music it’s filled with an infectious energy that turns any desolate dancefloor that you’d expect to see in a funeral home into one bustling with vibrant life as everyone begins to cut shapes her to addictive grooves and insatiable hooks. However she recently ventured into another territory, abandoning the dance melodies that helped make her name in the music world and instead going towards a more intimate sound that will have you reaching for the tissues in a heartbeat. Permanent Blue features a tranquil guitar melody as the driving force behind the production with subtle angelic chimes sprinkled throughout the halcyon soundscape. It’s ethereal at its very core, painting a serene picture of the love story Dharmadji is retelling and letting the emotion cascade down onto us til the point where we soon question where the water stops and our tears begin. Entirely genuine, every note feels like a diary entry where she’s poured her unfiltered thoughts out and now finally released it to the world in celestial fashion.
Being reminiscent of modern day pop songstresses like Maisie Peters and Gabrielle Aplin, this track might be a big departure from her usual sound but we welcome it with open arms. If you need a song that’s going to soundtrack your late night crying sessions and allow you to feel a bit more at ease with your ongoing heartbreak, then look no further.