Wrapped in an intimate calmness that echoes the same intense vulnerability her name is often associated with, vi0let sends shivers down my spine as she paints a sonic portrait of a toxic relationship where a whole place can bring gruelling memories back and make the feelings of inadequacy and fear arise too. She’s never been afraid to be open with her feelings and reveal elements of her past many would prefer to keep hidden, but beneath all of that intimacy lies an empowering message with her open vulnerability being the centre of it all. By bringing up her own self-doubt, she allows us to feel like we’re not alone and raise our heads higher, preparing to take on the world at hand.

Toxic City is one of her poetic pieces to date with lyrics like, “I can feel your confidence, makes me forget my own,” packing an almighty emotional punch that will resonate with anyone who’s been in a desolate situation like this. Her delicate vocal radiates an ethereal energy with her rich sonic palette highlighting the halcyon like quality of the melancholia inducing narrative that plays on like a prime time TV drama that will have you reaching for the tissues in no time. Include stunning visuals by Julia Jalyschko to match the intimacy of the number and you’ve got something rather special.