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Trump has continuously referred to coronavirus as “the Chinese virus,” despite the world blasting him as a racist, and now we’re starting to see the results of no. 45’s xenophobia. According to reports, there have been hundreds and hundreds of incidents involving discrimination against Asian-Americans in the last week, alone.
From the NY Daily News:
Over the past week, Asian-Americans across the U.S. have reported nearly 700 incidents of discrimination by coronavirus-inspired bigots who have attacked them online, spat on them, screamed at them in the streets and on public buses and even physically assaulted them. These are the first figures released by a new online reporting forum created this month by the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council, or A3PCON, and Chinese for Affirmative Action.
The site goes on to describe a few of the incidents, in which Chinese-Americans have been spat on, attacked, and more:
One of the victims whose stories were shared this week described a disgusting incident in which a man yelled, “f—ing Chinese disease” and “spat at me hitting my coat, scarf and face.” In another incident, a man threw his drink in a victim’s face and shouted, “they should be banned” and “they’re all disgusting,” according to the complainant. Several victims also reported Uber and Lyft drivers who refused to pick them up and cashiers who told them to leave their stores.
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NY Daily News reports that of the 673 reports filed, most incidents cited name-calling and verbal harassment as the issue, adding “Asian-Americans of different backgrounds were targeted and 61% of them weren’t even from China.”
SUCH a shame — that Trump is our leader during these frightening times and that, instead of coming together to fight this worldwide crisis, people are using this time to cause more dissension.