Wearing his heart on his sleeve whilst his lyrics read like an open book, the LA based musician bennytheghost has always had authenticity at the forefront of his songwriting. He never shies away from things regarding his own life that others would hide away in the deepest crevasses of their mind, instead he embraces his flaws, issues and problems he has in his life, forming a transparent viewpoint with his audience as a result. As his quirkily toned vocal melts into his bedroom pop production, you’ll slowly find yourself being drawn into his world where he makes you feel at home as his lyrics gently take a hold of you and allow you to be as open as he is.

Anxious is a summer bop for sure, with bubbling guitar riffs bouncing off of the infectious beats that will make even the sourest of personalities turn sweet that, when combined, build up to a grand finale that blends together bedroom pop with a score you’d expect to see in an award winning movie franchise. The charm he radiates through his charismatic vocal elevates the soundscape further as he croons his self-reflective and highly relatable lyrics that are beautiful yet bittersweet. Idyllic, romantic and real, there’s not much left to say other than that bennytheghost has nothing to be anxious about when it comes to his talent.