Despite being based in New York, the indie pop musician Charlotte Rose Benjamin is channelling Nashville in her latest single as she melts together the classic undertones and storytelling of Country with the dynamic flair and modern exuberance of the indie rock genre. Each track within her discography has a magnetic quality to it, combining the rustic nature of old with the the clean cut feel of new, creating a soundscape that your dad will blast out in the car whilst you jam along with him. Her upbeat numbers will have you humming the melodies for weeks on end and her intimate tracks will have you balling your eyes out like a newborn.

Cumbie’s Parking Lot thematically is about seeking external validation via romantic love and the internet, something that has become more prominent in recent times with the rise of social media and likes now pumping your body with serotonin. Her witty lyrical wordplay authentically serves as a narrator to this story, taking us by the hand, her tender vocal dances over the crisp soundscape to make this sonic portrait all the more enticing. No doubt there’ll be many fans blasting this out at any Cumbie’s Parking Lot they wind up in.