Music is a vessel that allows us to dive head first into the experiences of other and learn more about them than we ever could dream to do. We can explore issues unrelated to our own gender, race or sexuality that we wouldn’t be able to contemplate otherwise. It’s a force that transcends through us and into our soul as the LA born and raised musician Maize has reiterated today. Having released a few singles in 2021, which were all written via Zoom once the pandemic hit the LA airspace, she’s artfully danced between issues of utter dismay of what life has become, Off This Ride, and playful musings on what life will be like once the world reopens, Time Flies. Now she’s dropped a future Pride anthem that’s going to be on many a playlist.

The aptly titled track Gay is an intimate deep dive into the inner workings of her mind as she comes to terms with her own sexuality through bi-panic, something that’s become somewhat of a right of passage at this point. The lusciously textured dreamy soundscape compliments the earnest vocal of Maize as she delicately reveals her feelings to us, going from spouts of admiration to seeing them as a divine deity of the modern world. This authentic retelling of her own journey of bisexual discovery will comfort others going through the same thing before becoming an anthem they’ll be belting out word for word when they discover who they are.