MILKBLOOD are one of the most creative acts around right now and you know why that is? Through their eclectic lyrical narrative, eerily supernatural take on the electronic genre and distinct visual storytelling shown through their music videos, they’ve genuinely made me care about a Slenderman like creature, that’s reminiscent of my sleep paralysis demon, and was first introduced by dancing at night in someones home. I know that sounds crazy but this act are slowly building a Gorillaz like world of lore, each video adds to the mystery of this character and you become more charmed by his otherworldly appearance as time goes on. Then you’ve got the abnormal sound of MILKBLOOD who’s sound matches the absurdity of their now mascot with each track they drop.
A breath of fresh air in the usually mundane landscape, WAIT oozes charisma and features a wave of nostalgia from the early 2010’s styled house music production that gets your body grooving in no time. The warped vocals melt into this distorted realm during the effervescent chorus. Bipolar Sunshine’s however remain crisp and clear, creating striking juxtaposition between these two worlds that’s fascinating to hear and enthralling to see. This is another banger that we’re lucky has graced our world. Every time they drop a single you think they can’t get any better, then they exceed your expectations. One of the best acts around right now.