Jules Paymer continues to impress yet again following the release of a track that will catch the attention of even the most casual listeners –the newest single ‘Past Life’ which entails the story of Jules finding themselves over the course of life.
As part of the LGBTQ+ community, Jules Paymer decides to open up about their experience of coming into themselves and shares that story with us in ‘Past Life’. Jules switched their pronouns from she/her to they/them and when speaking about the track Jules says “During the writing process, we introduce listeners to my ‘past self’ in the first verse by using she/her pronouns. Lyrics like “She only exists because you won’t change,” resonate deeply with anyone who wasn’t loved for who they truly are, though it especially is hitting home with the queer community.” Jules took to TikTok to share a little bit more insight on their own experience in this process which has now accumulated over 1 Million views and has fans from all over the world now sharing experiences as well.
When I first listened to this track it immediately reminded me of a quote from composer Jóhann Jóhannsson:“When music is needed, it’s really there and it serves a purpose.” While the purpose of this track may have been to share their experience, I believe it has also served as an outlet for listeners who might be in similar situations struggling to accept themselves. Through the beautiful lyrics with the help of cowriter James Droll and the strong production from producer Reed Berin, this creates a very genuine and cohesive track for listeners.
After sharing on TikTok Jules has started to draw comparisons to Olivia Rodrigo on this one so if you find yourself listening to those emotional lyric-driven artists like Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Eilish, or Chelsea Cutler, we think this would fit in perfectly for your rotation.